Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Figures of Do Want #1- Mugi!!

This is the first edition, of an infrequent series of posts that shall be call Figures of Do Want!!!. Basically these are short round ups of figures that have cropped up and that are a must have. The first in the series is the Max factory Mugi-chan.

Mugi-chan, now with super strength. Image from
The figure is a very cool representation of Mugi, showing her as a hard working waitress, ready to serve a number of refreshments to the hungry customer. And as a customary with Mugi, one of these trays is loaded with sweet snacks and goodies.
Food glorious Food. Image from

One of my favourite little touches to the figure is the K-on written on the Omurice. So cute.

For this figure the hollow gives two thumbs up.

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